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Andornot's RSS Control for WebPublisher embodies a way to create feeds from any WebPublisher database, not just your own. Any public WebPublisher database, that is, which means any WebPublisher database you can reach with an internet URL. Case in point and primary victim, I mean, demonstration example, is the Inmagic Knowledgebase. The internet has taught me to be lazy, and this means I expect to get all the information I require in exactly the manner I choose. For me, the morning would not work* without opening my favourite feed reader in order to review all the feeds and blogs I've subscribed to, which tell me all the latest news in my chosen field. If I am not informed I can hardly justify calling myself an expert. Yet there is no ready-made feed of the Inmagic Knowledgebase at the time of this writing, so that (horrors) I have to actually go there and search it, which is all so 20th century. So I made one myself: (permanent URL) Subscribe to that URL from a feed reader or aggregator. The feed requests all articles added in the last 60 days. * Indeed, the sun would crumple like a wheezy balloon and all would be blood, frogs, blackness, and plague. This is to be avoided.

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