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B.C. Wood Supplier Directory

British Columbia is recognized as a global leader in sustainable forest management and British Columbia’s wood product suppliers offer a wide range of high-quality wood in both construction and appearance grades. Over 400 manufacturers in B.C. deliver a variety of commodity and specialized wood products – from dimensional lumber, engineered, mass timber and speciality products, to furniture, doors and windows, pulp, paper and pellets.

A searchable directory of these suppliers is available at to connect buyers, especially from outside B.C., with suppliers and their products.

B.C. Wood Supplier Directory Search Results

Users may search and browse by product, species and value-added service to find companies that meet their needs. The site is powered by our Andornot Discovery Interface.

A curated synonym list ensures that users can enter terms they are familiar with, or acronyms, and find relevant resources described using different terms. For example, a search for clt finds resources described with that acronym, as well as the fuller term cross laminated timber, and variations such as xlam, x-lam, and cross-lam, without a user having to think of each of these terms and use Boolean logic to combine them, or search each separately.

Spelling corrections, search suggestions and relevancy-ranked results speed the search process, with the ability to further limit results by product, species, service, export markets and sustainability certifications held by suppliers.

Behind the scenes, a DB/TextWorks database and one of Andornot's Starter Kits is used to manage the supplier information. The B.C. Wood Supplier Database is a project of Forestry Innovation Investment, a publicly owned, funded and operated company of the province of British Columbia. It was set up by the government to promote BC wood products, educate on provincial forest practices, and provide research around sustainable forest management, life cycle analysis and the benefits of using wood products.

This forestry resource complements two other Andornot Projects:

  1. The ThinkWood Research Library (also offered by Forestry Innovation Investment); and
  2. The FPInnovations’ Research Library.


In Brief

A wood products supplier directory powered by the Andornot Discovery Interface and DB/TextWorks.

Launched in 2020.

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